Wellness Illustrated
If you have accepted health care through the University of Chicago, then the SCC Website is a place you should begin to familiarize yourself with. Here you can find answers to such questions as: “It’s...
View ArticleSERIOUS (and less serious) Announcements
Add/Drop ends on Friday. As long as you have gotten your green Add/Drop card into the office by Friday, you’ll be fine. Jeff’s Analyzing Argument talk is tomorrow at 1:30 in SS 122. It is incredibly...
View ArticleGrad Guide Upcoming Events!
Upcoming Events 1. [OGA] Inter-American Foundation (IAF) Grassroots Development Dissertation Research Fellowship Workshop: TODAY! Thursday, November 5 2. [LGBTQ/CAPS/OMSA] Diversity in the...
View ArticleTODAY: Careers in Art Education
Check out the panel this evening on careers in Arts Education! Exploring Careers in Arts Education Presented by Career Advising & Planning Services (CAPS) Thursday, Nov. 12, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Ida...
Just a friendly reminder that registration ends today at 4:00 PM. You must turn your cards in to the office by 4:00 PM today! Be sure that you have all the signatures you need, to save yourself some...
View ArticleWriting the Statement of Purpose!
Hello Friends, For those of you who are interested in getting a PhD in the humanities, our very own Drew Kyser has put together a panel on writing the statement of purpose. The panel will be held...
View ArticleFrom the New Mentors
Classics Quad in Summer...not a bad place to be Hey MAPHers! Just wanted to extend a hello from your friendly neighborhood Mentors. We are excited for your arrival to campus and look forward to...
View ArticleMeet the MAPH blog
Welcome to MAPHtastic…the most entertaining (and useful) way to get information throughout the school year on a variety of topics. Things we cover will vary from imperative administrative hoops you...
View ArticlePlanning to work in or study the arts sector? Look up the Cultural Policy Center
You do not have to be in a specific program option while in MAPH, but many students find program options a useful way to develop their interests during the year. Even those of you who are not in the...
View ArticleHey! New Blood!
This is me! When I was five! The first one to accurately guess which one is me gets a prize! Hi everybody! Hilary suggested that I write an introductory blog post about myself, so that’s what this is I...
View ArticleMeet Your Staff
In addition to the mentors (who you met last time), there are two main denizens who haunt the MAPH office and will be there to answer your questions and help get you through the year. Meet the Staff...
View ArticleThe MAPH Office
It may be of some interest to note… There is free coffee here at the MAPH Office, located at 1010 E 59th Street, Classics Room 117. Come, say hi, meet the MAPH mentors! We’re excited to meet all of...
View ArticleWhat’s a preceptor and how did they get my email?
Virgil was Dante’s Preceptor. Instead of flying home last year I had Thanksgiving dinner with my friend and her family, just outside of Chicago. When people asked me how I was enjoying graduate school,...
View ArticleMaking the Most of Campus Days 2013
On April 7th and 8th, the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities (MAPH) will be holding Campus Days for newly admitted students. Our goal is to show you as much of MAPH as we possibly can in two...
View ArticleEverything (seriously, everything) you want to know about MAPH Summer...
You know how we have been telling you all since Colloquium to use this year to think about your professional life, as well as your academic life? Well, this time we really mean it. Now that the bulk of...
View ArticleWhat You Need to Know About Convocation ’13
(This post is for those MAPHers graduating this quarter. For those of you taking more time—carry on!) Alright, so you’ve turned in your thesis. Congratu-freaking-lations! I don’t need to tell you just...
View ArticleMeet Your Mentors
Hey! We are your new mentors. We graduated from MAPH last month. Once everything gets started, we will be [a few of] the people you can go to for general advice. We will also help plan events for...
View ArticleGetting Your Student ID
Now that you’ve gotten your CNet ID and email all set up, the next step in official student-dom is getting your ID card. Your student ID (called a UChicago card here) gives you access to the following...
View ArticleOn Creative Writing as a MAPH
The MAPH website has a lot of useful information about the Creative Writing Option, including a list of requirements and video discussions with CRWR faculty. However, I know I had a lot of questions...
View Article5 Reasons to Apply for Service Match! (or, Do Something Good!)
City Farms In addition to the Service Events put on by your MAPH Mentors (e.g., the City Farms event September 11th) throughout the year, the University Community Service Center puts on Service Match....
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